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Do you still enjoy your swimming pool? Are you considering removing your outdated swimming pool for a new outdoor entertainment project? We are ready to help. At Remove A Pool, we specialize in comprehensive swimming pool removal in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Our demolition experts provide safe, efficient pool removal services.

Common Reasons for Removing a Swimming Pool in Cherry Hill, New Jersey

At Remove A Pool, every property owner has a different reason for removing a swimming pool in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Are you able to relate to any of the following common reasons?

  • The pool requires too much yard space.
  • The pool requires extensive repairs or complete replacing.
  • The pool is not in use for weeks at a time.
  • The pool is a hazard for young children and pets.
  • The time has come to place your home on the market. A home without a swimming pool has the potential to attract more buyers.

The list above is only a handful of reasons we hear from our customers in the Cherry Hill area.

Our Basic Cherry Hill, New Jersey Swimming Pool Removal Process

At Remove A Pool, we provide individualized customer service to each of pool removal clients. When you contact us, we discuss all of the details of your swimming pool removal needs. Our pool demolition specialists assess your pool to provide a free estimate. We handle all the paperwork, the permit process, and set a date for removal. We want your experience with us to be stress-free.

When we arrive on your property, we do a comprehensive safety check. We disconnect any remaining utility connection, remove the water, and prepare for a pool for demolition. We implement proven methods to remove your swimming pool with minimal impact on your surrounding property. Our specialists are highly trained, experienced professionals who engage in safe, efficient pool removal practices.

When the site is ready, we begin the demolition process. At Remove A Pool, we use only top of the line equipment, machinery, tools and technology to provide optimal results every time.

At Remove A Pool, we offer two types of swimming pool removal in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

First, exhumation is a comprehensive pool removal process. Our team removes every part of your swimming pool from your property. We leave no trace of the pool behind. The exhumation process eliminates any future restrictions for building on the pool’s site.

The second option is abandonment. Our team breaks down the pool’s walls, punches holes in the bottom, and removes a portion of the pool from your property. The rest of the pool remains in the ground. The abandonment process is generally less costly and faster to complete.

After removal, our team begins the cleanup process. We engage in environmentally friendly cleanup methods. Concrete, piping, wood, or other usable materials are sent to recycling. We properly dispose of any remaining debris. We finalize each pool removal by carefully filling in the open cavity. We use a combination of rocks, gravel, and topsoil to pack the area.

Do you need more information about our pool removal options? Please contact us today at Remove A Pool. We are your leading choice for Cherry Hill, New Jersey swimming pool removal.